Friday, February 19, 2010

Money Talks

Here is a great strategy to use against your opponents, try betting high then low then high again, this really confuses your opponents, if they are trying to figure you out, if your bluffing or not, i use this strategy when i have a really good hand, practice this strategy on friends and see what happens.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

More on Strategies

Im going to post a little bit more on poker strategies, if your trying to bluff someone, heres a few tips on how, be intimidating, I found a few way on how to do this.
#1: Look at there forehead none stop research in body language tell you that looking at someone forehead makes your eye more intimidating.

#2: Play with your chips, making you look more intimidating, Makes them think your going to put a lot in if they bet or call them.

#3: play like your inpatient, you want erh hand to hurry so you can get your winning.

that is all for now. hope it helped you

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bluffing at its best

"Knowing WHAT to about 10% of the game.
Knowing HOW to do the other 90%."
-- Doyle Brunson

Most people "get" what Doyle wrote very easily. For others, the concept comes across as if he’s speaking Martian. They spend all their time concentrating on the what, finding the correct play. When they have found it, they think they are done. But all they have is the 10% of the concept

An easy example: trying to bluffing on the river in a situation where you know your opponent is weak handed, but you know your hand is by far the worse. For instance, you are fairly certain your opponent has a busted Ace high flush draw, while you have a busted straight draw. He has Ace high. You have Jack high. There are ten big bets in the pot. By bluffing you will win this pot sometimes -- not always, not never, sometimes. Deciding to bluff is the right thing to do. But don’t stop there, that’s just 10% of winning poker.

By far more important than that basic observation that a bluff is called for is the ability to pull the bluff off. I called this "executing" Clearly if when Rhonda bluffs in this situation she wins 75% of the time, that is tremendously better than if when Billy bluffs he wins only 15% of the time. With these different success rates, after 100 similar hands playing $10/20, Rhonda will be ahead $14,500 (75 times she wins $200, 25 times she loses her $20 bet), while Billy will only be ahead $1300 (15 times he wins $200, 85 times he loses his $20). Even though she only wins the bluff five times more often than Billy, Rhonda wins more than eleven times what Billy does!

This is an extreme example, but it’s clear that if Rhonda similarly consistently executes better than Billy, she is going to win far more money than him -- even though they both always choose the same action! The how of poker, the execution, leading to better success rates, this is what winning is all about.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hi again people, I just had a great game of poker last night, I just wanted to tell you guys how fun it was and that i had a great hand i wanted to talk about. It was me and my Buddie Louis that were playing online poker together, there was five people total, Louis folded and I had 5,3 of clubs now here was the flop, 3,7,9 I had threes, now I was all in at this point, ill tell you why after the river, ok the turn was a 5, I made two pair, the river a 3, now I won with a full house as you can see, now let me tell you how I had a good chance of knowing that I could win with like 48% chance,
First they where betting and re betting, none folded after there was a raise, so I called the first bet, it was not that much, the second bet was really high, they all called, so this tells me that they all had good cards like Q K J A so on, so after they all called, I ponder a bit and if they all had good hands then maybe they all where holding each others hands, Example: three players lets name them. Billy, shad and Chimmy, billy had Q,K Shad had Q,A and Chimmy had A,K Now as you can see, they all have each others cards that they needed to win with, lowering there chances of hitting there cards, this makes mine golden, so i called there stingy high bet and won a crap load of money, it was fun, me and Louis Laugh so HARD, it was great, Moral of the story, Watch your opponents and there betting, decide if your hand will come out on top, and then strategized.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Texas Holdem Strategies

Lets Talk Poker I mean Texas holdem style. My name is Nate and i have been playing holdem for about 12 years now and I think I got the grasp of about almost every strategy out there, when it come to bluffing, reading people and when to fold and such. I want to let people know the passion and knowledge about poker and how fun and pleasing it can be. Ill go over some hand

Picking Your Hand:

The hand first of all, when it come to the hand you want to make sure that you play all hands, yes even 7 2 but it all depends on what the blinds are and if some one bets, do you stay in or out. Say that your big blind if it checks all around of course you stay in but what about small blind, if the blind is not to much to put in go with it, but if someone bets a descent amount say the blinds are 5$ to 10$ small and big blinds, if he bets 20$ and you have a 6 2 spades, take a look at your possibility, a 6 2 can make a inside straight, there both spades so flush could be nice, but not really a good pair if you hit any, but say you stay in and the flop comes out being A 6 8 so you made a pair of 6 witch is lowest pair out there the chances that they have a 8 or a ace make it more difficult for me to stay in because even though you made 6's you have a crappy kicker so depending on if anyone bets would have to fold this hand. So picking your hand all depends on the bets people place, always play your aces if you have one play it but be careful with what kicker you have if you don't know what a kicker is if you have 6 2 and you made 6's your kicker is 2 so if someone has 6 3 they out kick you and win. All in all play every hand unless the bet is high.

Pocket Pairs:

although pocket pairs are nice looking they are a disaster waiting to happen, low pocket pairs like 2's to 8's can be really bad if over cards are out in the flop, so having pocket pairs you would have to bet high before the flop to get them people that are just waiting to see the flop, but i must say that pocket pair can be played slowly cause there very hard to find out if some one has pocket pair so if you have 2's and you flop a three of a kind your most likely going to win, just watch whats on the board.

When to Bluff:

Bluffing is a Unique skill to learn, how to tell people if there bluffing is hard to do, so lets start off by learning how to bluff, lets go by rules..

Rule 1: don't fidget: looking around or twiddling your thumbs acting nervous
Rule 2: Keep a straight face have no emotion try to do this on every hand not just when your bluffing.
rule 3: learn your cards look at them once and then keep them down
Rule 4: Be aggressive, when betting you need to be aggressive.
rule 5: most important, know your opponents weakness if he shows weakness bluff him out, but don't be fooled he might be slow playing some big cards

now lets talk about calling someones bluff, yet hard to do, just like bluffing, before calling anyone's bluff play a few rounds with the opponent, get to know them, see how they tick, this could help you figure out how he acts with the winning hand or a bluffing hand. Remember to also watch your opponents face, some people just have a look in there face when they lie or bluff also they seem to talk a lot more then they would or less then they would, also ask them a few questions while in a hand, see how they react.

Looking at the flop, the turn, the river:

so you are looking at the board and your trying to see if you can win, well look at the board, what are your possibility, see what all you can make with your hand and what you can make with your hand, if a card comes out in your favor for example say you had 7, 8, of hearts and the flop came out, 6 hearts, 5 clubs, J hearts, look at all you can make with this hand.

#1: you have a open ended straight
#2: you have a flush possibility (hearts)
#3: you can pair up with 7's or 8's
#4: even possible two running 7's or 8" for a three of a kind

now look at what we have here, we have pretty good outs here the chances of you hitting your cards is pretty good, i would say arounf 30-45% you might get your cards on the next two cards so if its a bit to much to pay i would stick in cause your outs are high at this point. Always look at what you can make and what you have to determine if you should stay in the hand or not.

Online Holdem:

although online poker takes away the hole interaction of people so you can determine if there bluffing or not, you can still tell in other ways if there bluffing
on how they bet and how long they take, that's the only thing you have to work with when playing online, its harder to grasp and tell if people are bluffing either they bet high hoping to make some money or they want the pot so they bluff.
more on Poker there is a sit & go Strategy double your winnings!

thank you for reading this article and if you have any questions please leave a comment.